Painting Studio
Our Painting Studio is comprised of several types of surfaces to create on. We offer canvas, glassware, pottery and woodware painting.
Studio Know-how:
All projects go home the same day
Fun for all ages
Acrylic paint is used and can stain clothing. We do provide smocks
Choose from a large selection of self-guided canvas designs or free-hand and create your own. Our self-guided design packs come with step-by-step instructions as well as tracing templates.
Canvas Know-how:
Canvases start at $15.00
Allow 2-4 hours for self-guided design packs
Add your personal touch to wine glasses, vases, jars, nightlights, ornaments and more!
Glassware Know-how:
Projects start at $5.00
Allow 1-2 hours
Glassware that needs to be water safe (e.g. wine glasses and vases) requires be baked in your home oven to set the paint.
Acrylic painted pottery is a great option for those who would be unable to pick-up the following day. Simply choose an item from our ceramic studio, but instead of glaze, use acrylic to create your one of a kind pottery.
Pottery Know-how:
Pottery starts at $6.00
Allow 1-2 hours
Great option for small children
Items will NOT be food or water safe when painted with acrylic
We offer several birdhouses and wooden plaques for you to create on.
Woodware Know-how:
Projects start at $5.00
Allow 1-2 hours
Great option for small children