Fused Glass
We will teach you how to cut and layer glass to create garden art, wall hangings, sculptural totems, jewelry, ornaments or even a nightlight. Choose from an assortment of colored glass (some with textured and iridescent surfaces) to create with. Once you’ve laid out your design, we’ll fire it in our kiln. As the glass melts, it fuses together, turning your design into one solid piece of glass. We even have molds that allow your flat design to “slump” as it melts into various dishes and decor.
Studio Know-how:
Projects start at $15.00
Allow 2-4 hours depending on the project size
Fused Glass spends the night to be kiln fired and is ready for pick-up the following day after 2:30pm
Slumped projects require a second firing. They are ready for pick-up 2 DAYS after creation at 2:30pm
Shipping can be arranged if needed
Age restricted studio: you must be 8+ years old to be in Fused Glass. 8-10 y/o must have a guardian present in the studio.